At Dawnix, we like 'em wet 'n dirty. We take the dirtiest of the dirtiest water tanks and make them pristine!
Dawnix Water Services is an Indigenous-owned (Champagne & Aishihik First Nation) and Whitehorse-based water cistern cleaning company. We are a BCWWA and EOCP-certified with more than 15 years of experience in the water treatment industry.
Water is the elixir of life - make sure your drinking water is as fresh and clear as possible. Trust the experts at Dawnix to ensure your water tanks and cisterns are as clean as they can be!
Worried there may be more than just water in your water tank? At Dawnix we understand the importance of pure and sanitary drinking water. We can take a sample from your cistern to have it laboratory-tested. Make sure it's just pure water you're drinking!
At Dawnix, we understand the causes of backflow preventer problems and know how to test and fix them.
At Dawnix, we have the certifications, the know-how, and the experience to do well shock treatment to rid your water well of harmful pathogens.